Amazon seller business modules are on the rise. One, because you can sell on Amazon within the comfort of your home. Second, because selling on Amazon gives a high probability of gaining a quick and big profit.

In fact, 64% of sellers start to earn a decent profit within the first year of their selling.

And why wouldn’t they? Amazon is a giant gold mine for sellers with 310 million active buyers.

However, for smashing success as an Amazon seller, the first step is what we call Product Hunting. (aka discovering your star product)

So, in this quick and easy guide, you’ll discover:

  • What is amazon product hunting?
  • Why is it important?
  • What are the qualities of a winning product?

Let’s get into it.

What is Product Hunting on Amazon?

Product hunting or product searching on Amazon is the process of exploring a *star* product to sell. A product with a high opportunity of generating more sales and earning more profit. The price of the product isn’t a big factor, but the market demand and lower competition is.

Now, you might be wondering, “Well, there are millions of products on Amazon and millions of sellers who sell them, how on earth can I find the right product?”

 You’re right. Product hunting is a tiring and crucial part of your successful Amazon seller journey. And it is even more critical that you find the right product. If you fail there, well, you’ll lose all the money you’ll invest.

That’s the reason, we’re providing product hunting services to wanna-be sellers like you. After years of experience in the Amazon biz, it’s our everyday thing to help our clients discover the right products to sell and earn a major profit. Get your star product by clicking here.

 Now that you’re aware what Amazon product hunting is and why it’s important, let’s discuss what are the features of a secret star product that will help you earn in big numbers fast.

Features of a Profitable Amazon Selling Product

To start with, you need an item that’s high in demand. The market is all about demand and supply. Even if you’ve the best product in the world, but no one wants it, there’s nothing best about it, because no one gets to use it. So, the first and foremost feature is having a high demand.

What’s more, the product should have very low seasonality. You should be able to sell it round the year. For example, holiday products are not ideal.

Plus, the competition should be extremely low. You cannot expect to sell the product rapidly where sellers are already scoring big numbers, getting great reviews, and have a loyal fan base. Low competition means a higher chance of selling more.

One more thing, to save shipping costs, the weight and size of the product should be small. That way, you’ll not be draining your bank account on shipping and storage charges.

Last but not the least, introduce a better product. After examining the competitors and market, if you can introduce a better, high-quality, or budget-friendly product, there’s a really high chance you’ll sell more.

But, that requires extensive research and expert industry knowledge to come up with such a good product.

Rounding up the features of *star* Amazon product:

  • High-demand
  • Low competition
  • The demand of the product should be around the year
  • The price should be above 18 USD for a good profit margin
  • The item should be small in size and lightweight to save shipping and cargo costs
  • The most important, a better product than competitors.

Need Further Help in Product Hunting?

As you’re well aware at this point, how crucial finding the right item is. In fact, 38% of the sellers fail within the first year of launch because of the bad product selection.

And the ones who succeed in finding a profitable product, are selling worth more than 5000 USD on their single product every month. And that’s only the first year of the business. Imagine what the numbers would be within the next five years?

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That’s the reason, you better do it right or hire an expert to help you in the first step of your long journey.

And if you’re having a hard time hunting the right product on Amazon, give a free call to us. With over 10 years of combined experience in scaling brands, we sure can help. We’ll find you the right product for earning your dream profit and even suggest your next steps.

Book a consultation call now for Free.