About AMZ Observer

We really took that to heart…

See, there’s a huge potential for every business in the world to succeed, no matter what niche, no matter how tough the competition might be.

And we believe it because we started from zero clients in our queue…

On the piercing-cold Tuesday morning of Jan 05, 2021, windows closed, drinking hot coffees in the cozy warm rooms, sitting in front of our laptops…we were trying to figure out what unique services we could offer to a business owner, like you…

And all we had was expertise, some money in the bank, and passion in the hearts to help small businesses grow in the merciless pandemic…

(So, then what happened at that meeting? I will tell you that in a minute, first, take a sec to see who we really are, and why we’re here on the Internet helping a complete stranger: YOU)

Here’s the thing…

We are a team of digital marketing experts. Our past few years have been a rollercoaster. We sold, we failed, we learned, and we perfected.

But we also realized one awful-grave mistake every small business owner makes that sabotages their success… (We’re also guilty of it)

Even if you had a 32$ billion dollars budget, but you just made that one mistake; congrats! Your 32$ billion dollar budget just kissed the death.

While, if you had the budget as low as possible, but you do that one thing right, you can earn those 32 billion dollars with your business alone…faster.

Wondering what’s the secret?

We call it: “M&M”

“Marketing & Management”

(These are actually two things…but you know…M&M just looks cool, so…)

So the question is, why Marketing and Management?

Because with Marketing, you talk to millions of people about your brand, you show that you give better than they already have, and you prove them with reasons — exactly — why they should buy from you.

And with Management, you measure your stats, implement only what works, and do everything with balance — not less, not more.

That’s the only BIG secret to success — all the rest are matroids around the planet.

And, this M&M dish isn’t that easy to cook. It takes a lifetime to master both, let alone rightfully implement them.

But…we discovered something for you in that Zoom meeting that I talked about earlier…

On that icy-cold morning, we discovered a hero of our story that helps small businesses grow with the warmth of the powerful M&M solution…

…Specifically for Amazon sellers because that’s what’s trending, and so many opt for selling on Amazon.

And we gave the hero the name: AMZOBSERVER…because we learn and earn only when we “Observe” what’s around.

So even if you don’t want to partner with us, you still have our secret formula to success. (Good Luck…)


If you want to transform your business and your life with a powerful M&M solution by partnering with us…you’re more than welcome.

At AMZOBSERVER, you simply run your Amazon business on autopilot. You get the freedom of living your life as you want, and focus on what’s more important in your life; family, friends, & binge-watching your favorite shows on Netflix while laying on your comfy recliner…

We even let you decide the pricing depending upon the level of involvement you want with us. It’s all you.

So get in touch with us…right now…to get your brand booming from this moment.

Contact us here.